
About Al!vE

@L!vE is a 17 year old prodigy hailing from the Nickel and Dime (510) California. Born and raised in the church, she grew up in a family of 8 children with two parents who abused drugs. When she was six her father moved away to San Diego for a better job offer, leaving her mother to raise all the children alone. At the age of 12 she started writing poetry winning contests for the local Community Violence Solutions (formerly Rape Crisis Center), and gave her life to Christ at 13.

It wasn't too long before she began writing songs. After entering high school however, she gave up writing and began to turn to a lifestyle that wasn't "church-approved." In the summer before entering her sophomore year in high school she became involved with the "wrong people" and ended up robbing the home of a close family friend. After spending her 15th Christmas and New Years in juvenile hall, she realized it was time for a change, and decided to re-dedicate her life to Christ. It wasn't until doing her 100 hours of court mandated community service that she realized how much her actions and poor decisions were effecting her life, even after jail. Her mixtape Methodical Message was released in March 2006 and she is currently working on a follow up mixtape as well as her album "Lyrical Letter"



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