Amminadab The Messenger



About Amminadab The Messenger

Amminadab the Messenger has been in the rap game since 1979. That's right, he attended Drake University on a football scholarship where he met many of his coleagues from Ny, Philly and Baltimore. Already a fan of the Funkadelic/Parliaments this was a idea fit.Amminadab is noted for bringing rap to Northwest IN. He also is noted for directing and producing the first ever Rapsical "Just A Phase Of Life" in 1995. Ironically, this was 10 years before the movie version of Carmen featuring Mos Def and Beyoune Knowles.
Amminadab's Credits
Performed with the world famous Temptations at the Genesis Center in Gary, IN. Performed in concert with the legendary Marvin Sapp at Sabrina's Ballroom CHi. IL. Perform with Stellar award winner Daryll King at the Harubba house in Chi. IL. Performed at the IN. Black Expo with Spike Lee in attendance Amminadab has alos been in venues with hiphop legends Dougy Fresh and Flava Flav in E. Chi. IN.


King David, Goegre Clinton, Marvin Sapp, Carlton Weathersby


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Why some church's reject Holy Hip Hop

By Amminadab, 2006-09-22

Being a Holy Hip Hop minister, I have found that most of the opposition to our music comes from with in the walls of the church. In constast to the secular world that accepts it with open arms. Many churches will have nothing to do with Holy Hip Hop, ummm go figure? When the bible tells us to be all things for all people. They come up with all types of reasons to validate their theory but can't back it up with scripture. As I say in one of my new traks from the soon to be released Cd "The Power of the Tongue"; "those high rolling, glamourized ,traditional saints , you is what you is and ain't what you ain't". Close minded and thing that God only speaks to his people through old hymms and tradional church. People, WAKE UP!!!! Youths are dying at an alarming rate today, and tradional church is not going to bring them to church or to Christ. Now don't get me wrong, the word is the most important vehicle to lead souls to Christ; but if God can give Donnie McClurklin a word through song, he can also give Amminadab, Israh, Shorty McCee and others a word too. Because the word tells us that God is no respect of person. He will raise up who ever he wants when he wants and by any means. AS LONG AS HE IS GLORIFIED!!!!! So when someone tells you that Holy Hip Hop is not of God, you tell them who are you to judge. Hit me back, I would love to know how you feel. Peace Amminadab -

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