Appointed Kingdom Ambassadors

About Appointed Kingdom Ambassadors

Appointed Kingdom Ambassadors


The Appointed Kingdom Ambassadors are gifted emcees inspired to take the truth to the streets and reclaim the music they love--Hip Hop!


AKA consists of three members: Steel-toe, Khan Quest, and Dirty Bird. They each hail from different parts of the nation but were brought together in the Central Texas city of Waco. This diversity in backgrounds contributes to the versatility of the group. Steel-toe’s rap style has a West Coast flavor, Khan Quest reflects Mid West and East Coast influences, and Dirty Bird is Dirty South all the way. This assortment of styles blends together to produce one unique voice that appeals to listeners. AKA knows how to drop knowledge and scripture and make it entertaining.

The group produces most of their own music and their diversity is evident in the tracks that they compose. They have an appreciation for all genres of music that shows in their producing. Their hybrid tracks are a fusion of hip hop, jazz, r&b, rock, gospel, reggae, and classical music. This musical synthesis appeals to hip hoppers who are tired of the same old thing and attracts listeners who don’t consider themselves hip hop fans. With their music, AKA is bridging cultural gaps, generation gaps, and most importantly, effectively ministering to the nonbeliever.

Aside from the group, the three have also started the label UCW Records. The name UCW comes from the law enforcement acronym for “unlawfully carrying a weapon.” They chose to name the company after this offense because everyday they walk around strapped with the Word of God. Steel-toe, Khan Quest, and Dirty Bird are all born again Christians and these brothers in arms have been assigned to the frontlines- to the trenches- and their weapon in this spiritual war (the only weapon any of us have) is Jesus Christ-God’s Devine Word.

As representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Appointed Kingdom Ambassadors are on a mission to lead lost souls to Christ and to redeem hip hop music.



Appointed Kingdom Ambassadors

UCW Records

P.O. Box 7230

Waco, TX 76710

(254) 741-9254 

(254) 732-0436


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