
About BFR

Using just one word to describe a band would usually be challenging, but with B.F.R. it is easy. That one word is “unconventional”. The innovative repertoire is unconventional. The instrumentation, the arrangements, and the stage presentation are all unconventional. In the spirits of Johann Sebastian Bach, Thomas Dorsey, Sam Cooke, and Andrae Crouch, this band will CHANGE conventions, traditions and customs while keeping the pure Gospel message completely intact. Here musical instruments from the world over are used in obedience to Psalms’ command “Let everything that has breath the Lord!”

Following the Apostle Paul’s lead, this group is becoming all things to all men that they may save some. Their freshman CD, “Some West Coast Praise”, employed many different modes of expression to assemble a work that is palatable to a wide variety of musical tastes. Rather than reinforcing walls, B.F.R. seeks to remove barriers.

The Bible Faith Remnant never disappoints when ministering live either. The versatile and seasoned singers along with the accomplished musicians delight audiences from nearly any demographic.

Consequently, the band participated in the Ethnic Dance Festival in 2010, and 2012. B.F.R. was the first Christian group to play at this prestigious festival in its 32 year history. They also ministered at the Japantown Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco. The word “unconventional” again comes to mind.

This is proving to be an exhilarating for B.F.R. With the hot new Radio Single, “Is Anything Too Hard for God?”, coming into full bloom, and the band receiving exposure from a spectrum of new venues, only God knows how far things will develop for the Bible Faith Remnant!

Thank you and God Bless you and yours!


Johann Sebastian bach, Thomas Dorsey, Sam Cooke and Andrae Crouch


Recently Rated:


No wise Cast You Out

The Bible Faith Remnant Cal Expo, Sacramento, CA 2019.


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