Just the Beginning...

By: YamieMinistry Posted in:   published02/06/09 12:00:00AM 

Greetings Music world,

 I am interested in getting to know all people especially those committed to telling people about our lord and savior Jesus Christ and helping those who have become acquainted with Him build a stronger...

About Us

By: UnseenWord Posted in:   published01/28/09 12:00:00AM 

We chose the name Unseen Word because we want to make Jesus Christ seen by the world through our music. Also our name has a double meaning. We try to speak for those that are unseen by the rest of the world. The homeless, drug addicts, and...

Marinatin' tha' Steak

By: pduble Posted in: Music  published01/24/09 12:00:00AM 

Hip-hop has gone through quite a run over the past few months.  In addition to a continued seperation between "hip-hop" and "rap," with even more sub-genres underneath this two...


By: page2 Posted in:   published01/14/09 12:00:00AM 

Visit myspace.com/page2band for all tour updates!!!!

Checkout STAND Outreach Ministries

By: Bro Remixx Posted in: STAND  published01/03/09 12:00:00AM 

Come to the new STAND Outreach Ministries website and community. Be a part of this online ministry, enjoy the videos, join in on the conversation, and evangelize with the STAND Outreach Clothing Line!


New CD Coming Soon!

By: kimthomas-ramos Posted in: CD Release  published12/28/08 12:00:00AM 

Yahaloma is currently putting the finishing touches on her next CD entitled "Fire".


Unwrap the Gifts

By: rev_dr_jimmy_blank Posted in: CHRISTMAS 2008  published12/26/08 12:00:00AM 

"I Saw Many Gifts Being Earmarked - OPEN BEFORE CHRISTMAS!"

"Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant...(the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, discerning of...

Jesus's Christmas Wish List

By: rev_dr_jimmy_blank Posted in: CHRISTMAS 2008  published12/26/08 12:00:00AM 

Dear Children,

It has come to my attention that many you are upset that folks are taking My name out of the season.

Maybe you've forgotten that I wasn't actually born during this time of the year and that it was some of your predecessors...

Message from The Master

By: rev_dr_jimmy_blank Posted in: CHRISTMAS 2008  published12/26/08 12:00:00AM 

Do you need me?

I am there.

You cannot see me, yet, I am the light you see by.

You cannot hear Me, yet, I speak through your voice.

You cannot feel Me, yet,

I am the power at work through your hands.

I am at work, though you do not...

serwatkas gospelrap songs

By: serwatka neim scott Posted in: gospelrap  published11/15/09 12:00:00AM 

heres some good new songs and messages just made for the spirit in music to listen to as you do good doing what you do

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