Brandon Robinson

About Brandon Robinson

Brandon Robinson has been ministering in song since the age of four. He has had the opportunity to share the stage with Jessica Reedy, Soul Seekers, Betty Wright (mentor), Kathy McClary (mentor), Ellison Kendrick, and many other local artists. Currently Brandon is working with his singing group Collective Anointing. He is an active minister of the gospel with his church and works with God is constantly opening doors for him so get ready. He co wrote and was featured on a song called "Living Through Me" with artist Vell P which will soon be available for purchase on all digital outlets.


Kirk Franklin, Tonex, Deitrick Haddon, and the list goes on....



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Dedication To Connecticut School Shooting Families

I wrote this song for The Connecticut School Victims Families. My heart goes out you because I know the feeling of losing someone to senseless violence.


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