
About brotherstone

...Therefore go into all the world and make disciples
of all nations. - Matthew 28:19

This Directive is the core for Brother Stone on
every recording project that he releses, every
pulpit that he enters, every stage that he is upon,
every street corner where he witness. 

Discipleship is the foundation for Brother Stone's
many accomplishments in ministry.  An Ordained &
Licensed Minister for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
A Full Time  Minister since 2000. Pastor of The
Christ Like Ministries in Detroit from Nov. 2001
to Nov. 2005. Presently Pastoring The U - N - I
Ministries in Douglasville, GA.  Founder & President
of The U-N-I Association of Artistic Ministries.

Published & Recorded releases of Holy Hip Hop,
Urban Gospel & Christian Jazz since 1996
(Over 200 recordings and counting) 14 Full length
project released with Brother Stone as Executive &
Musical Producer.  U - N - I Music's C.E.O. who
has distrubuted over 200,000 CD units of Brother
Stone's work.

"The Apostle of Artistic Ministry" he has been named,
because of his annointing to build up and to develope
others in there gifts of Artistic Ministry.  A Boldness of
spirit, with a confrontational approach to evagelism.
A Spirit filled, Word Application Preacher who focuses
on all his project releases to have scripture reflection
as its basis.

God's Champion is the newest release for Brother
Stone, his 4th solo project. The foundation for this
work is found in 1st Corinthians 9:24 - Do you not
know that in a race all runners run but only one gets
the prize, run in such a way as to get the prize.


Jesus Christ


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