Charmaine Johnson

About Charmaine Johnson

Urban Contemporary Gospel Singer Charmaine Johnson born in Gainesville, Fl has emerged into the music scene as a smooth alto vocalist ready to share her music ministry with the world.  Music has been in her heart since the age of nine.  In the year of 1998 Charmaine became a part of The Temple of Shekinah Glory Praise and Worship Team and few months later was appointed Praise and Worship leader. Since then have been singing in varies choirs, events, praise & worship teams, and etc. I'm currently on the Praise & Worship Team and a choir member as well at Jesus People Life Changing Church where Pastor Horrace L. & Prophtess Luretha Mingo presides. Music has been my connection to God for varies of reasons. And because of this, I have been able to be a testimony to others and as well to myself. You see, God has taught me while I teach others just by speaking to people or singing to them. My main focus is to share my testimony to everyone especially women that are going through trials and tribulations.Recently God open a door for me and I was signed to Avail Records Inc. for a complication ablum and it's call "Lyrics of the Soul Vol. 1". My next goal is to come out with my album and excel from there. 

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My family, Tina Turner, Mary Mary, Dark Child, and etc.



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New Day New Life

New Day New Life

album: Lyrics of the Soul Vol. 1

genre: Gospel

streams: 6284


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