About H.D.T.V

HDTV which stands for Heavens Definition Testaments Visions consists of 3 brothers out of Battle Creek, Michigan.  They met while attending Lighthouse Full Life Center Church, under the leadership of Paster Eric Tolbert and Overseer Dr. Marvin Sapp.  Before becoming Saved their musical talents were geared towards doing secular rap, each doing their own individual projects.  But while attending church and growing their relationship whith God, they decided individually that they would give up their dreams of pursuing careers in music.  But God had other plans, and brought these three brothers together so that instead of giving glory to worldly things he would get the glory for transforming 3 lives on a level they could never imagine.  There main focus now is spreading the good news through the form of Hip Hop and use what the devil meant for bad for good.  We do this for the Kingdom!!!!!!


Da Truth, Marvin Sapp, Kirk Franklin


Recently Rated:


Jesus Peace

Jesus Peace

album: No Compromise

genre: Holy Hip Hop

streams: 71


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