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Mabawa (wings) lyrics

user image 2010-02-06
By: hundredpercent
Posted in:

Rap (solo)

Title: Mabawa

Written by: Victor ‘Rhapsody’ Muthoka

Performed by: Victor ‘Rhapsody’ Muthoka

Full name of group member: Victor Muthoka

Complete Lyrics:


Utapata the power, utapewa mabawa, lakini itabidi jo, upite the fire, shida na mateso mengi, uone mabaya, kukanyagiwa chini, ujipate higher, what I mean is the pain, stress, & the hurt, for the joy that you gain, inside your heart, juu the Son Anareign, inside your heart, & the flesh & the spirit ziko apart, (yeah!), utapata mabaya, matusi, mapigo, hata dharau, but will you hold on for the glory to come?, ama utagive in, will you show Him your back?, for He’s coming back, for the ones who will stand, for the ones who proclaim, Yesu ni Bwana!, the ones who say that, Jesus is Lord, He’s the King, He’s the Father, He’s the Messiah, for He’s coming back, for the ones who will stand, for the ones who proclaim, Yesu ni Bwana!, Atakupata ndani?, Atakupata nje?, ama utakuwa, wee ushamwachilia


If you make it to the end, utapata the power,

If you make it to the end, utapewa mabawa,

If you make it to the end, utapata the power, utapewa mabawa, utashinda mabaya ×2





Jesus said there’d be pain, there’d be hurt, for His name, but if you hold on, you’ll be saved by His name, & the blood that He shed, on the tree for the saints, so will you hold on to be saved by His name?, najua ni kunoma, najua ni kugumu, lakini salvation, marathon kwa hivyo, get up in the word, if you wanna see the Son, if you wanna take His stand, when things get a gwan, ukishikilia plow, then you take a look back, to the place that you from, you ain’t ready for the work, you ain’t ready for the Lord, you ain’t ready for the kingdom, you better make a choice, is it angels or demons?, (yeah!), angels or demons, Jesus au satan, heaven au hell man, zote zakungoja, Yesu Amenena, Yesu Ametenda, kazi kwako sasa


If you make it to the end, utapata the power,

If you make it to the end, utapewa mabawa,

If you make it to the end, utapata the power, utapewa mabawa, utashinda mabaya ×2



Ei yo, man, the Bible in Revelation 2:26 says that, “To Him who overcomes & does my will to the end, to him will I give authority over the nations.” That means man, that it’s not just about kuokoka, but receiving salvation & holding on till the end, let’s go twende!!!



Uki flow, flow, uki go, go, kwenye salvation, jua bro, bro, that it’s all about finishing, the walk of the faith, it’s all about finishing, with God as the head, when the Israelites, walitoka Egypt, as they made their way, straight into Canaan, a whole generation man, got swept away, by the wrath of the Lord, for their disobedience, so you better take care, don’t fall by the way side, stand in the faith, as you keep on doing right, live with the Father, (man), run with the Father, (man), kuwa faithful to the end of your days, (yeah!)


“I am coming soon; hold on to what you have so that no one may take your crown.”


If you make it to the end, utapata the power,

If you make it to the end, utapewa mabawa,

If you make it to the end, utapata the power, utapewa mabawa, utashinda mabaya ×2



That’s it man, work out your salvation with fear & trembling, Na ka hujaokoka, it’s about time man, hivyo tu.




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