Jacquie Brown-Hadnot

About Jacquie Brown-Hadnot

Dr. Jacquie Brown-Hadnot’s story is one of tragedy and triumph.  She has been called a “living testimony” to the healing power of Jesus Christ.  Jacquie was born in Hayti, MO and raised in St. Louis.  Until the age of 10, her life was what most people considered average, her father worked as a self-employed electrician and her mother as a commercial printer. 
Jacquie shared a very close relationship with her father.  His love of jazz music inspired her passion for music, especially the guitar.  She remembers her father’s last and most precious gift to her, her first acoustic guitar.  At the age of eleven, Jacquie’s world became nightmarish when her father was gunned down in his business while the family slept upstairs.  The violent death of her father was just beginning of tragedy in her life.  Alone, her mother began a new life with Jacquie and her two brothers. 

Just when life was beginning to smooth out tragedy struck again when Jacquie went to wake her mother for work and discovered she died in her sleep.  At the age of 15, life dealt another devastating blow, a blow that would take her years to recover from.  Her mother died in her sleep from a heart attack at 33 years of age.

Tragedy struck again when her best friend was gunned down while leaving a popular St. Louis nightspot.  The devastation of her friend’s death was magnified when Jacquie realized she dreamt the horrendous event the previous night. 

In 1989 after suffering a major blow to the head during a marital dispute, she began to suffer headaches that resulted in a diagnosis of cysts growing in her head.  Surgery was necessary to remove the growths coupled with the possibility of loosing her right eye.  The surgery was successful and full vision was restored.  This was only the first of four additional surgeries for cysts and tumors in her body.  Two additional surgeries occurred in 1993 and 1997.

In January 1999 Jacquie was diagnosed with two cysts in her head and a tumor in her breast.  Two surgeries were necessary, but she could only handle one surgery at a time.  The diagnosis was devastating sending her into a period of isolation, drinking and sleeping pills.  After three days of deep depression, the Lord in His infinite wisdom sent His Holy Spirit to speak life-changing words, “All sickness is not unto death – FIGHT.”  And fight she did, through the power of God she made the decision to have the breast surgery first.  No cancer was found.

In the fall of 1999 the Lord spoke to Jacquie and asked, “What is it that you want to do?”  Her answer was “to teach your Word Lord”.  This began a journey of getting to know the Savior who gave His life for her.  She began to study His Word and spent every available moment buried in the Bible. As she opened herself to God, He revealed Himself to her in ways she never thought possible. She learned that despite her illness she was created to worship the Lord.  God showed her how He would use her to set His People free. She began to have visions of preaching the Gospel to millions.  Her fifth and final surgery came in 2000 for the cysts in her head.  Again, no cancer was found.

In 2002, the Lord birthed It Is Written Ministries as an outreach ministry to feed and cloth the needy.  The ministry has reached thousands with the message of Jesus Christ through the “Light for Your Path” radio broadcast; Meal Barrel Food Pantry, free clothing store; Day of Rejoicing Food Drives; Widows Love Fund and several other outreaches.  She oversees It Is Written Ministries with her husband Gregory.

Today, Jacquie is an inspiration to all those who meet her. Her journey from a troubled past, sickness and despair to experiencing the abundant life of a true over comer has given her a passion that motivates her to touch people who, like she once did, find themselves without hope.

“Life is filled with a series of tests and trials and we must all go through. The tests become the testimony that gives God glory if we stand on the strength of His Word.”


Jesus Christ



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