
About jeanparsa

Jeanette has been gifted ever since she was 5 years old (1959) with a beautiful singing voice. Along the years she sang in the Chorus group in Jr. High School. (1967) She went from there in taking 7 years of voice training (1968-1975) in Hollywood from an Music teacher, George Carr. She then became born again in 1973 at Pastor Shock's Church, Faith Center, in Glendale, California. She started singing in 1975 at the Full Gospel Bus. Men's Fellowship in the Wilshire area on Radio KFSG. In 1976 she sang in the Choir at Christ Church where later she met Pastor Eddie Parsadanian. She sang on TBN at Christ Church which was televised on Sundays. From 1977-1982. She sang at the Full gospel Bus. Men's Meeting on Radio KFSG & KGER. She also sang at TBN (1978) on the French PTL with Jock and Gladys Forcan. The programs (Videos) went to Haidi. In 1982 she sang at the Dodgers Stadium and sang the National Anthem. She sang for the Mario Morillo Crusades in 1980 at the Shrine and The Long Beach Auditoriums. In 1986 she met Pastor Eddie Parsadanian from Christ Church. He was the Assistant Pastor. They married in 1987, May 2. In 1988 they had their first child Elizabeth. In 1990 they had their 2nd child Jeanetty. In November , 19th 1995 Pastor Eddie & Jeanette were blessed in having their own Church. They are on on the internet and Channel 282 Charter in Glendale, Burbank, CA every Friday from 4pm-4:30pm and every Sunday from 8:30am to 9am. She has made a number of professional music tapes also a CD ’I love you for who you are’, which was released in 2002, and is streaming on iheartradio 750 radio stations, Plus she made a music video in 2009 available on DVD “Everlasting Kindness” which is streaming on youtube and imdb. Plus Amazon Along with having an anointed voice. I have done voice overs but not professional but for fun.


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I love you for who you are

I love you for who you are

album: I love you for who you are

genre: Christian Rock

streams: 12

audio file: mp3, 3.8MB, 00:03:19


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