LaJuan Diggs

About LaJuan Diggs

"Every now and then somebody please say Jesus" is a statement that LaJuan Diggs stresses to the Christian artists who have the opportunity to reach thousands if not millions of lost souls. Born and raised in Nashville, TN, LaJuan Diggs has laid his life down to do the will of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by being a bold witness and proclaiming the name of Jesus. Not just saying Jesus in his music, but most of all living for Jesus in his everyday life. LaJuan knows that the Lord has called him for a time such as this when not only worldly artist are leading people away from Jesus, but "Christian Artist" as well. Outside of the glamour, fortune and fame, the Lord has showed LaJuan that hell is real and billions are in danger of ending up there. Once LaJuan realized hell was real he also realized that he wasn't allowing Jesus to use him to benefit the souls that were on their way to this never ending place of torment. Knowing that Jesus is the only way and the truth and life, LaJuan purposed in his heart to put aside HIS vision of being signed to a major label, the platinum records sales and fame so he could just live for Jesus and allowing the Lord to use him to strengthen the brethren. "We are all in this together. We are one body but many members, but Jesus is the head of this body. Making positive music is cool and all, but that only benefits the world and I'm about lifting up the name of Jesus and saving souls" says LaJuan. Now working on his second album entitled "Depths of Hell" with the single I'ma Say Jesus, LaJuan has a greater revelation of the love of Christ and the call to follow Christ. "The call to follow Christ is to die and not live. Too many Christians want you to know about their city, their beats, their album sales and nothing about Jesus. I've decided to crucify myself and follow Christ". This next album will focus on saving souls and lifting up the name of Jesus. LaJuan encourages other Christians to come down into the Depths of Hell with him and save souls and come back out smelling like smoke. With a ministry focused on the young, young at heart, saved and unsaved, LaJuan creates music inspired by the Holy Spirit that lifts the name of Jesus without compromise and brings light to a world of darkness.


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I'ma Say Jesus

I'ma Say Jesus


genre: Holy Hip Hop

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