Ms. Morrissette

About Ms. Morrissette

Delana Morrissette, an inspirational rap artist that has incorporated the gospel with hiphop music. Her goal is to spread the infallible word of GOD in her lyrics to inspire, motivate, and lead as many people as possible into the likeness of GOD. the Chicago native relocated to Atlanta, GA to pursue a music career in the hiphop business. Starting out as a hardcore rapper, Delana practiced and sharpen her skills through the years by writing constantly and performing at open mic locations. Once Delana got born again, she decided to sacrifice, and sell out totallly for the kingdom. She began to perform at different events, and will not compromise her messages to please worldly crowds. Believing that Jesus Christ is Lord has gotten her through the persecutions that has come with being a sincere messenger. Delana is also writing for other artists.




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