Yo praise God everybody, this Ur boy BDP, real names are Abraham N. Nganga. Born and raised for 16 yrs. in Nairobi, Kenya. Then moved to the USA at the age of 16, completed my high school and college there. I attended Virginia Commonwealth University, in Richmond, VA. I graduated with a BA in sports, entertainment and event management, concentration in sports management and a minor in business. Started a club at VCU under ma boys Marshall aka rosebud and Richard aka rich po. Also was involved with N V V A productions, a promotions and marketing company in Richmond. Moved back to Kenya, November 1st 2008, where i started a youth ministry, S4G MINISTRIES, which stands for Squad 4 God ministries. Then i decided to fulfill my lifetime passion of doing music and that is how BDP was formed. Bubba Da Prince is my stage name. the name comes from a friend of mine in the USA who had a friend named bubba from Kenya and apparently i reminded him of his friend, another twist of how it came up was the fact that my real name is Abraham, who in the bible is the father of all nations, and in Kiswahili, which is my national language, "baba" means father but my American friends could not pronounce it right, when they said it sounded as if they were saying "bubba". So it stuck. The "prince" part is not me trying to force royalty on myself or trying to be cool or whatever. it’s actually quite simple in the fact that i am a saved Christian, and my heavenly father is a king, and i am his son, so that makes me a "prince". Meaning if you are Gods son, you are a prince and if you are a daughter you are a princess, ya mean. The name of my first album will be "nu prince on da bloc" coz i am exactly that, a prince who is new at this game, but by God’s grace and favor i am going to new heights. I recorded my demo (which has two songs, titled God is good and Let God and Let go) at melmax studios in Nairobi. God hooked me up with ma high school homeboy SK-Blue who is part owner of Sakata Media and him and his partner signed me and there i recorded Haters and P.U.S.H. i have just officially released ma first single 'Haters" so you can check the video out at this link (BDP - Haters (Official Music Video)). I thank God for everything he has done; he is doing and will do. I just got Ordained as a youth Pastor on May 1st so i am fresh with anointing baby, i love it. God is great and i love just ministering with all he has given me. So enjoy the song and see you at a town near you. Ohh by the way since the ordination now I am officially PASTOR BDP, cheee  cheeee  cheeee. GLORY BE TO GOD. AMEN


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