
About S-Dot

I come from a humble beginning; the younger of two brothers, Joe and Eric.  Thinking back on my life as a child, I always had to prove myself to my brothers.  Many times, I was excluded from playing street football, basketball, and Nintendo games because I was too young.  It was an uphill battle but it made me into the person I am today.   I began playing basketball and football at the age of seven years old for NORD.  I hit hard and played harder.    I excelled in sports because of my zeal to win. 

Attending Baptist Church on most Sunday mornings, I learned about God but never really knew him.   I was too involved in being an athlete.  Before any games, I often prayed to God because I realized that I possessed a gift to play sport.    I enjoyed the glamour and fame that came with being an athlete.  I was well known in New Orleans. 
After graduating from St. Augustine High School, I received a basketball scholarship from Xavier University.  I had a terrific freshman season, won freshman of the Year, and 2nd in the nation for steals.  I was on top of the world and living on my own. 
It was not until Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans and surrounding cities in 2005, I felt my world turn upside down.  No contact with family and friends for weeks was hard.  I felt that we had disappointed God and l did not have a church to call my own.  As I entered my sophomore year in college, I was introduced to City Church by my room-mate.  I never expected to find so many young people like myself fired up for Jesus.  I soon felt the urge to join this church October 5, 2006.

Less than two weeks later, I learned about the tragic death of my oldest brother, Joe who was serving in Iraq.  Needless to say, I was shocked and hurt.  I then began reading my bible and studying scriptures to help me deal with his death.  Joe had promised to come see me play basketball at Xavier but he was taken away from us too soon.  God’s words helped keep me sane.  I kept reading the book of James.

My zeal and desire to have a better relationship with my Lord and Savior was evident.  My family and friends didn’t understand my new way of living.  Again God blessed me; I was awarded Player of the Year in 2007.  I give the glory to my Lord and Savior.  I began writing and rapping Christian lyrics.  It has helped me steadfast in difficult times.

After graduating from Xavier University, I still looked forward to playing basketball on a more professional level but sometimes life throws you a curve ball.  You have to accept it knowing that God cannot lie and whatever he promised you will come to pass.

As CEO of Humbled Vessel Records, it has been a challenge but I know what my Father in Heaven is able to do. He has planted the words in my heart, spirit and lips.  He has given me a vision and the desire to help win young souls for his name sake; he will guide, keep and deliver me out of bondage. I just want to thank you Lord for allowing me to be one of your chosen vessels.  Amen.


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