


About Tennyson

Driven by a vision from Jesus Christ to turn this world upside-down through the power of giving, TENNYSON is impacting hundreds of thousands across the world. Over the last two years he’s given away hundreds of thousands of free CDs online, through the mail and at events all across the U.S. and beyond. Through his refusal to charge for anything and in giving everyone the permission to make copies of his CDs, Tennyson’s ministry is spreading light-speed and is encouraging people everywhere. He’s been in magazines, newspapers, been interviewed and played on various radio stations, and aired on GODTV. He has also been on famous Christian websites including Battlecry.com, Gospelcity.com and Christianhappenings.com to name a few and his premiere website Tennysonmusic.com has generated tens of thousands of hits itself. He’s performed with NFL players and even with last year’s Super Bowl champion coach Tony Dungy, and all this in just two short years with minimum promotion and no sponsorships, but plenty of support from his team and hardcore fans and an extremely well put together Gospel Reggae album which won album of the year at Dance Ministry Magazine’s 2007 award show. Tennyson continues to make an impact and now is taking it to a whole other level with his brand new album “Tha New Beginning” which was released on January 1st to begin 2008 with a bang. With plans for much stronger promotion of this album and the releasing of his soon to come album in which he’ll be bringing back a lot of those old hymns we love so much, Tennyson is believing for MILLIONS to be blessed this time around.


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Dis Is The Day (Download Album FREE at tennysonmusic.com)

Dis Is The Day (Download Album FREE at tennysonmusic.com)

album: The New Beginning

genre: Gospel Reggae

streams: 1302


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