Tomi G.u.n.n.

About Tomi G.u.n.n.

Get Rite 2 (The Reintroduction)

Press Release

In communities throughout America there are a misrepresented and a forgotten people in need.  There has been a huge disconnect with parents and children, a gap between the old school and the new school.  There are young kids who are lost in the shuffle and in need of direction.  Tomi G.u.n.n. of Second Gen is releasing the second and final installment of The GetRite mix album (The Reintroduction).  The Reintroduction mix album contains “known”instrumentals with powerful lyrics, delivered with style and grace.  This time around the mix-album expresses freedom in love, addressing controversial issues with unflinching boldness when directed at society, relationships or the individual artist himself.  There is a major need expressed in current culture for a positive resurgence, a deviation from the negative, a separation from what was to what could be, by introducing a love affair with life.  The Reintroduction embraces the imperfect and focuses on the positive, this album is worth the listen and it is only a prelude of more to be expected.  In short this free mix-album is an inspirational tool utilized for the purpose of helping change peoples lives for the better...



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