What If

By: mbudram Posted in: Poems & Essays  published08/31/06 01:00:00AM 

What if

By: Mervin Budram Jr.

I picked up an article sent to me by a dear friend. At first I didnât read the title of the article but my eyes glanced on the first paragraph. I was stricken to the heart as I meditated on the words that...

I love you so Much

By: mbudram Posted in: Poems & Essays  published08/31/06 01:00:00AM 


By: Mervin Budram Jr.

What havenât been declared?

What new but ardent word can I utter?

Up into the heavens proclaiming your splendour

Twirling around, flickering in your presence.

Bringing joy and delight as it...

Think it's Frustration

By: mbudram Posted in: Poems & Essays  published08/31/06 01:00:00AM 

Think its Frustration?

By: Mervin Budram Jr.

Frustrated, why you may ask

Well just look at the obvious facts

Inconsistency, negligence being dragged around by my pants

God, this is not what I view life to be, maybe I should face the...

It Boils Down to LOVE

By: mbudram Posted in: Poems & Essays  published08/31/06 01:00:00AM 

It Boils Down to Love

By: Mervin Budram Jr.

I saw it clearly. Jesus was hanging on the cross with all the sins of mankind desperately clinging on to him. Each sin anxiously tried to secure a place on this man â whom at that point,...