Chunky Son

À propos de Chunky Son

 Born and raised in Montgomery Alabama, Chunky Son fell in love with music at a young age. He started writing songs at 12 yrs old. Unfortunately around the age of thirteen, Chunky was caught up in the "wrong crowd" and fell into a lifestyle of drugs and alcohol. Around sixteen, he began selling drugs which graduated him from marijuana to harder drugs like LSD, ecstasy, and cocaine.

  In these hectic times, music was Chunk's only escape. He began making mix tapes around 15 doing shows at parties and local clubs. Music was his passion, but it was over shadowed by a life of drugs, liquor, and violence. At 20, he was arrested and court ordered to a drug rehab program.

  It was there, that he realized he needed to make some drastic changes in his life. But before he could cut all his ties, he was arrested again. This time by the D.E.A. for possession of a firearm and drugs and was sentenced to a year and a half in Federal Prison. Before he was shipped off, Chunk decided he would make this a turning point in his life for the better. He then devoted his life to serving Jesus Christ, spreading the gospel through his music, and showing the youth that there is an alternate route to the path he chose in his earlier days.

  In 2005 he was realeased and pretty much moved in to the studio experementing with his style and sound. After a few misses, Chunky final found a sound that refleckted who he is. With a mixture of  crunk dirty south style beats, crunchy live guitar tairing apart every track, and extremly real lyrics. This isn't what you think of when you think of Christian rap music. It's just real music, with real subjects, for real people.



Noté récemment:



Crunk Like This (remix)

Crunk Like This (remix)

album: The Break Down vol 1

genre: Holy Hip Hop

streams: 9


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