Damion Orlando

o Damion Orlando


 Damion Orlando has found a standard of excellence and agreat compassion for souls. At the tender age of 10 years old, the Lord baptized and filled  Damion Orlando with the gift of the Holy Ghost.

 His love for God and young people is reflected in different youth groups he’s worked with.

 Weather in the United States or overseas, Damion Orlando never fails to give God praise in song, Word, and dance.

 He has allowed God to use a misfortunate past to touch lives in many ways. His motto is “I’m an ordinary servant with an extraordinary purpose” With a preaching style that’s dynamic, youthful and fresh and an ability to sing anyone into worship, Damion Orlando is able to bring truth in a way that is easily understood to all that hear him. Ordained in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (P.A.W) as an Elder Damion Orlando’s ministry is traditional yet out the box. With influences such as Andre Crouch, The Winans, Fred Hammond and Deitrick Haddon Damion Orlando has created his own unique sound to glorify God. He believes that a worshiper can reflect who they are in any genre of music. Damion Orlando is an extraordinary singer, song writer and composer. With his youthful flavor and delivery Damion Orlando’s mission is to “let the whole world know who Jesus is”



Fred Hammond, Winans, Andre Crouch, Deitrick Haddon,


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Set Me Free (Amazing Love)

Set Me Free (Amazing Love)

album: HIPraise & worsHOP

genre: Gospel

streams: 1742


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