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Category: default

Woman of word

By DEE-VICTORY, 2007-09-06

Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord-the most high God. I am encouraging all the young ladies in Christ to stand up and be a witness. We are powerful and determined to succeed in everything we set out to do. I am putting the call out to any female who is tired of the same old stuff day after day. If you want things to change -1st change your thinking and then your speech. Speak God's word at all times-don'y faint. Phil.4:13 I can do all things through christ who strengthens me-- repeat daily to yourself. I'm ending with this: The woman who succeeds above her peers is the one who sets her goals ahead of time and then re-directs her energy to attain the goal. Be blessed and dream (Divine Revelation Empowers All of Mankind). :)

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