H.A.L.O. & Reign Ministers of the Word

Sobre H.A.L.O. & Reign Ministers of the Word

H.A.L.O.  Reign 2011 Holy Hip Hop Awards Honorees.
Thanks to www.gospelengine.com and the fans for making us the 3 artist.

2011 Holy Hip Hop Awards Honorees
3rd Most-Popular Artists on www.gospelengine.com
South Florida Gospel Music Awards Nominees
Gospel Star Search Live Finalists
Gospel Star search Holy Hip hop 1st place winners

In early 2001 H.A.L.O. was introduced to Reign through a meeting of artists and producers. The two were headed down different paths. H.A.L.O. (Harold L. Watkins) a gospel artist/producer working on a solo album and Reign (Kenneth L. Heflin Jr.) a rapper seeking success in the secular world. The two didn't realize at that time the true purpose of their meeting nor did they anticipate that they would one day minister on the same stage at the same time performing the same songs. The duo has performed in a variety of cities throughout Florida including Jacksonville Orlando Tampa Delray Beach Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood North Miami Carol City Perrine Richmond Heights Homestead and Florida City. Their out of state performances include North and South Carolina. They have also traveled out of the country to perform in The Bahamas. They have performed at The 2002 Gosplosion Billboard Live AR I just want my music heard convention The Vagina Monologues Shout fest 2003 and many churches. After working together with Halo and hearing the beats he used for his album Reign brought out some lyrics that weren't bad at all. In fact they were spiritual touching and electrifying. After the two completed their second song Give Him All The Glory. Reign had a spiritual awakening. His eyes were opened to the call which God ordained for him. He remembered his aunt Cynthia who encouraged him to do Christian rap as a teen and his uncle Jim who told him the that God was going to use him one day. Now Reign raps with a new tongue a new fire and a new mind. Thus Breaking Tradition was recorded and Reign was born.

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essiko03 jodione DEZ

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@halo-reign-ministers-of-the-word8 years ago

2011 Holy Hip Hop Awards Honorees


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