Harp & the Soul Disciples

o Harp & the Soul Disciples

Harp & The Soul Disciples is a singing family group comprised of 4 siblings, a niece, and a cousin; namely, Lavonda, Vincent, Paris, Rico & Zionde Harper, and James Strothers. Their ages range from 21 to 42 years old, and they all were born and raised in Columbia, SC. Under the leadership of their parents, Deacon Melvin Harper, Jr. & Elder Margaret Harper, they were taught the Word of God, and exposed to the reality of God’s existence at a very young age. Because of their parents’ active roles in the church, the group members grew up being involved in weekly Sunday services, Prayer Services, and Bible Study. In addition, they participated on the Youth Choir, Usher Board, and Praise Team.


Having come from a family line of talented singers, the group’s talent was discovered while singing quartet music when Harp, as the leader, was about six (6) years old. After their debut, the group was asked to appear on many local quartet programs. Because of their young ages and the strength of their voices, the group’s popularity grew and they began to travel statewide and regionally.


As the group evolved and members grew older, the need for Ministry more than the need for “just singing” became evident. During this time, the group encountered many challenges and distractions. However, these same challenges and distractions would turn out to be testimonies for future ministry!


After many years of promises and prophecies given by God, Harp & The Soul Disciples are now in position to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations! The group fully recognizes and understands WHO they are and WHOSE they are. They are anointed by God with the power of the Holy Spirit resting upon them. They acknowledge their gifts and talents and are ready to share this blessing with the world!


The promise, through the Word of God, that was given to their mother over 15 years ago has finally come to fruition. That Scripture promise is found in Isaiah 61:9: “Your descendants shall be known among nations, and their offspring among the peoples. All who look at them will acknowledge that they are a people who the Lord has blessed.” The group’s mission is based on the entire chapter of Isaiah 61. It is their desire to see all come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; and for those who are already a part of the Body, to establish and fulfill their purpose in the Kingdom of God.


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