Holy Ghost Squad

über Holy Ghost Squad

Tha Holy Ghost Squad! A collective group of Holy Hip Hop artist out of Killeen, Texas. With styles that vary from EAST COAST to MIDWEST to DIRTY SOUTH and WEST COAST, these brothaz bring the Gospel heat through hip-hop music! Performing live holy-hip-hop music together since late 2002, all of the members of the squad attend The Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church based out of Killeen, Texas. With fellowship churches world wide, they are on the front lines of evangelism! The hope and mission is that people would hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the message of salvation, and preach the hope that heaven would one day, be your home! All those in favor of speaking the Gospel truth, please pray for Selah Recordz and Tha Holy Ghost Squad. Check out tha site and God bless! (MARK 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.) www.SELAHRECORDZ.com


vor kurzem bewertet:




album: Tha Streetz Wanna Know MIXTAPE

genre: Holy Hip Hop

streams: 1465


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