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HIs Mercies

By Karalot74, 2011-03-29

His mercies are new every morning.  That is what I heard God say to me last night.  I am no way near where I need to be in my relationship with God, but my heart is towards Him and I desire His prescence in my life.   A broken spirit and a contrite heart is what He desires.  I can truly say that description fits me.  I have said to myself silently that I have failed and that I suck.  While some people might judge me and say well meaning words like, "you shouldn't say that....your highly blessed and favored of the Lord", I cannot help but be honest before God.  He alone knows what is in my heart and he knows my intentions.  All I can say is that what he spoke to my last night brought hope and comfort.  The Lord knows exactly what to say to you at exactly the right time.  He is truly and awsome and incredible God. 


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