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Diary of a Psalmist - The Heart of Worship: Entry 1

user image 2011-01-17
By: rlevans
Posted in:
Diary of a Psalmist - The Heart of Worship: Entry 1

Dear Diary:

Today, I started considering what it means to worship. Jesus stated that those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Worship is an outward demonstration of an inner conviction and relationship with God. Thus, the heart of worship does not begin with religious adulation bestowed upon God. It begins with the lifestyle of those who serve Him. To understand worship, I considered this first fact on today.

Worship is Sacrifice. The worship of God finds its roots in sacrifice. Abraham was willing to sacrifice someone that was dear to him in order to worship. He described the potential sacrifice of his son as worship. If we want to enter into true worship, we have to have this mindset. I will enter into His presence, even if it costs me.

And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the donkey and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you. (Genesis 22:5)

Before we can enter into God’s presence fully via worship, we have to willing to give up everything first. If we are to experience true worship, our love for God has to supersede our love of anyone and anything else. Until my next entry…

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