Sobre Revsconie GodFather of Gospel Rap
God The HolySpirit has been writeing Gospel Music, Songs and Gospel Rap through me for 11years. MY wages are $1500.oo for each 16bars, $5000.oo and up for a whole complete song, God The HolySpirit has given me Jermiah 22:13 to stand on concering my wages. I was Raised an Ex-gangsta strickly out of Cincinnati, Ohio. I been writeing for the Kingdom of Christ Jesus for 11years now. God The HolySpirit has anointed me to take the Gospel of Christ Jesus TO THE ENTIRE WORLD through GOSPEL RAP. I'am Revsconie GodFather of Gospel Rap. My email: or go to
The Holy Bible and The 10 Commandments
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@Revsconie, 08/06/11 09:41:27PM
Is This Gospel Rap Industry Afraid to Help one another, because they seek self wealth not Souls, God The Father know the Heart of All, I'm from the DopeGame and I have witness more support, help and guidance for the world, then I have seen support for the Children of God, its so sad and real, But no one can keep from you, what God Has your name on. I'm sent to Change this Rap Game, Anointed by God The HolySpirit, its on. Pretty please believe me. Revsconie GodFather of Gospel Rap.
Is This Gospel Rap Industry Afraid to Help one another, because they seek self wealth not Souls, God The Father know the Heart of All, I'm from the DopeGame and I have witness more support, help and guidance for the world, then I have seen support for the Children of God, its so sad and real, But no one can keep from you, what God Has your name on. I'm sent to Change this Rap Game, Anointed by God The HolySpirit, its on. Pretty please believe me. Revsconie GodFather of Gospel Rap.