Te`Luvv (tay-love)

über Te`Luvv (tay-love)

Pronounced TAY-LOVE, Todd Smith was born out of Detroit, MI in a home of domestic violence and poverty.  His dad came back to get his family after joining the Army and they left Detroit and traveled to different places around the world.  Domestic violence and drug abuse surrounded Todd everyday.  He hated going home.  A man named Chris Spice (home with the Lord) told him one day that "prayer is the only thing that is going to help."  CPS, school counselors, the police...nothing else worked for him so he tried prayer.  He prayed for 2 years and it finally happened.  His mom left home to get clean.  Todd still lived without Christ.  He went on to the University of Puget Sound where he experienced racism, on top of coming out of a violent and dysfunctional lifestyle. 

One day going to hang out with a friend, he saw a man on the street with a coat on that read "John 3:16."  After waiting about 15 minutes he approached his friend that was talking to the man with the coat on and as soon as he turned and laid eyes on him, it was as if he saw Jesus Christ Himself.  The glory of God and the light of God was on this man so much so that Todd was immediately scared and froze right on the spot.  This man (Gordon McClain) told him simple things he had never heard before.  On Sunday November 29, 1998 during his freshman year at the University of Puget Sound Todd went to church with Gordon and gave his life to Jesus because he desired change.  Todd is still livng for Jesus (7 years now) and has stayed on fire for the Lord.

On the same day of his salvation, Todd felt an immense power and desire in his heart to do something for God.  He had already written hundreds of poems so he started writing poems for God.  They did not come out as fast because he was a new Christian and didn't really know how to express himself.  When he got to his 10th poem, God said "This is a rap."  He did not receive it from the Lord becasue he thought it was corny and that there was no such thing as Christian Rap.  He did not give up on God. 

He went to practice rooms and rehearsed the poem/rap as God gave it to him and it sounded cool to him.  Months went by and he grew in his faith and boldness in Christ and took the poem/rap to talent shows and would win 1st place with the same song for several years in a row.  After college he went to a rap contest with 50 rappers and won 3rd place.  He prayed and sought the Lord for direction and the meaning of all these prizes and talent.  God confirmed his calling and 30 days later he signed with a local Christian record label.  7 months afterwards God raised him up and severed him from everything he had.  God lead him to start Made Up Mind Ministries.

Today, his ministry, Made Up Mind Productions, LLC., will consist of other elements that concentrate on all generations.  Furthermore, many people of all sizes, shapes and colors have been inspired by his music, his message, his heart for God, his leadership and his love for young people.  He has continued to submit to Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, taking up his cross daily for 9 years now.  Todd has a MADE UP MIND to practice living to make it in.”  Todd has been blessed to minister and share Jesus at hundreds of events, impacting  thousands of lives each year. 


Holy Spirit!


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Category: May 2007

To God Be The Glory

By teluvv, 2007-05-07

To God be the glory for the things He has done!  We are well on our way to full time ministry.  We must continue to speak those things that are not as though they were.  After fasting and praying God gave me a vision and a business plan for 2007.  In the vision I saw us with a van pulling a trailer with our sound equipment.  Guess what?  I just drove from WA to TN in the free van God blessed us with.  Yes, FREE VAN!  You have to see it in your mind to believe it.  I saw the vision, I wrote it down and made it plain to us, and God has brought that part of the vision to fruition. 

I just want to encourage all of you reading this to continue to support this ministry.  We would love finances, but we don't need them from you.  God has sustained this ministry since it's conception 5 years ago being totally dependent on Him.  Our website is still up, our 800 number is still on, our ministry is still alive!  We are gearing up our Mid-South Lifestyle Promotion going from city to town to village preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and letting them know that Jesus is a lifestyle. 

If you are reading this and you have something the Lord has called you to do I want to encourage you in Jesus!  Keep on going!  Don't let anything or anybody but God Himself stop you from doing what He has put in your heart.  Don't be scared.  Don't be lazy.  Don't waist any time.  You will make it! 

Posted in: May 2007 | 0 comments