À propos de Priest-Hood Family
Priest-Hood Family was formed and commissioned by GOD in 2004. The members of the Family are Donald Hampton and Martin Powell with an upcoming artist Thomas Martin. The streets of Memphis,TN raised these individuals but they were changed by the hand of GOD. Now Priest-Hood Family is on a mission to take back what the enemy stole and much more. The biggest influence on the Family is GOD, then Fred Hammond,Kirk Franklin,Andre Crouch,The Winans,Cross Movement,and Bishop Eric D. Farmehref=" " target="_blank"><img src=" http://x.myspace.com/images/Promo/myspace_4.jpg " border="0" alt=""/><br/><img src="" border="0" alt=""/><br/><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Check me out!</font></a>r.
Cross Movement,Andre Crouch,The Winans,and Commission